Phill Webster Phill Webster

Be here now

Today I sent out the second email to my subscribers list. As a reminder: Early subscribers will receive a free guided meditation every two weeks to their inbox. For life.

I won’t spam you. I’ll just deliver a free guided meditation every two weeks to your email, no catch. The first two have been transcripts, as I’m currently abroad, working in the Middle East.

When I get home, I’ll send simple video links with high quality guided meditations that will help you connect with the moment of now, tune in to your team of Spirit Guides, sleep better and deeper, clear ancestral trauma, and much, much more. You’re going to get a lifetime of fresh content to help you tune in to your soul.

Go to the Home page, scroll to the bottom, enter your email, and accept marketing. That’s all you’ve got to do. This offer is only available for a limited time. If you happen to read this post after October 2023, shoot me an email and tell me how bi-weekly meditations could be beneficial to you and I’ll add you to the list.

But for now, here’s an edited version of the second newsletter and meditation you just missed out on..

I’ve spent the past month in Erbil, Kurdistan, filming a World War 1 drama for television. Our main location is a place called Erbil Citadel. It’s the oldest inhabited settlement in the world. Over 6000 years old. It sits on top of a hill created by many generations of people living and rebuilding on the same spot. Alexander the Great defeated the Persian king Darius III on the plains surrounding Erbil in 331 BCE. It is believed to be the birthplace of writing. And in Glowing Deeper, my second book, I write about the Ancient Mesopotamian region and female spirituality being outlawed by male officials in favour of creating religion. 

To begin my third book in the very place where spiritual writing began is almost unfathomable to me. 

This weeks meditation is going to be about connecting with your current place in the world. Inspired by Erbil Citadel, I want you to learn how to tune in to your surroundings and extract what you can from them. Perhaps you’ll get flashes of insight while you meditate. Take note of them. Don’t dismiss them as random thoughts. Your intuition may be waking up. The meditation will expand on our previous one about tuning in to the Eternal Moment Of Now, and truly lay the foundations for what’s to come when we venture towards connecting with our higher selves and the ethereal plains. 

As promised, these meditations will arrive without fail to your inbox every two weeks. Whether you are a seasoned meditator or new to it, there’ll be something here for every level.

See you in two weeks. 


Find yourself a comfortable place to sit and relax, where you won’t be disturbed for ten minutes or so. Silence all digital distractions. Sit with your feet on the floor, hands in lap or to the side, close your eyes, and take one full deep breath. It always begins and comes back to the breath.  

  1. Take a moment now to concentrate on your breath. Take a full deep inhale, hold at top, then let it all go. Let your breathing return to its normal rhythm. 

  2. Imagine now, a light beneath your feet. It’s being generated by the earth, and travels up to meet you. Perhaps it’s golden green in color, perhaps its sitting like a soft cloud just beneath the surface of where your feet touch the floor. If you’re in an apartment block then imagine this golden green light travelling up through the building to meet you. And on your next breath in, visualise pulling the light up through the soles of your feet, and feel it travel upwards and envelope your ankles, healing as it goes. 

  3. On the next breath in, pull the light up a little further, feel it warm your calves and travel up around your knees, soothing any tension that might be held there. 

  4. Now pull the light up around your thighs, your pelvic area, feel it warm your stomach as it swirls upwards around the spine and your solar plexus space. Feel the light envelope your heart, and move up through your chest, around your shoulders and down your arms, to the tips of your fingers. 

  5. On the next breath in pull the light up through your throat, feel it light up the back of your head, and activate the Third Eye Chakra right above your brow, your intuitive portal to the world. Visualise the golden green glow flowing up and out the top of your head.

  6. You are now secured between the earth and the higher realms. Sit and concentrate on your breath, and be open to any insights that appear. You may very well have random thoughts, don’t struggle to push them away. Let them come and go and return to the breath. Even the most persistent thought will give up if it’s just a random distraction from your brain on autopilot. You will be able to move beyond it. Concentrate on visualising the light. Concentrate on your breath. You are glowing. 

  7. Imagine all that has taken place around you. Think about your home, and all the memories made there. If you are outside then think of the transient nature of where you sit. The people that have come and gone. The years that have passed by the place in which you currently are. Think about who may have lived in your home before you. Go back in time and see the years flying in reverse like pages from a calendar. Imagine the generations that have passed through your current space and the place itself being built. If you are out in nature, watch the landscape change in your minds eye as you travel back through time. 

  8. There is nowhere else that you are other than right here right now. You belong here. All that you have done before, and everyone who you have ever met has bought you to this place right here, right now. Let’s go beyond that. All those who came before you, also bought you to right here and right now. The generations who have passed through this spot, the generations that interacted with your family members and ancient ancestors. You are here for a reason, and that reason is now.

  9. Take note of any moments of insight that may come to you. Faces, emotions, ideas. Let them flow. If you get distracted, come back to your breath. 

  10. After a few more moments, begin to pull the light back down through the top of your head. Feel it travel down your neck, back up your arms, down through your chest, stomach, pelvis and thighs, down through the souls of your feet, and back into the earth to be recycled. 

  11. Take another deep breath, and when you feel ready, open your eyes.

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Phill Webster Phill Webster

Free meditation offer

Hey everyone, so this is just a quick update on my current offer. Early subscribers to my mailing list (bottom of the Home Page) will receive FREE GUIDED MEDITATIONS FOR LIFE. But only if you act now. I initially limited the sign up to 30 subscribers, but now those slots are almost full, I’m thinking about extending it a little while longer.

What you’ll get:

A bi-weekly email with news on what I’ve been up to and what’s on the horizon regarding signings, courses, events, interviews and updates on the new book.

Fresh content on topics around the subjects in the Letting Glow Trilogy, such as connecting with the present moment, mediumship advice, Spirit Guide connection, and more.

A guaranteed guided meditation, for LIFE, every two weeks to your inbox, with no cost or commitment to you.

Access to an exclusive Instagram Live Group where we’ll do real time meditations in addition to the ones you get via email.

I’m doing this for me as much as I’m doing it for you. There’s no catch. It’s going to keep me activated and motivated in the run up to the GlowCircle. It’s a way to keep me committed to my readers and a way for you to hold yourself accountable for your own spiritual and wellness development. The meditations will include Guided Sleep Meditations, Connecting With Your Guides, Connecting With The Present Moment, Mindfulness Meditations, Cleansing The Vegal Nerves (the parasympathetic nervous system), Deep Relaxation Techniques, 4-7-8 Breathing Meditations, Past Life Meditations, Sitting In The Power, and many, many more FOR LIFE, FOR FREE!

All you need to do is sign up.

One other thing I forgot to mention. Those who sign up will receive early access to the GlowCircle when it’s finalised.

No matter if you read this post right after it’s gone live (October 6th, 2023) or in two months time, it’s worth signing up anyway since access might still be open. But it WILL fill up. If you sign up and your first email doesn’t include a meditation, shoot me a message and tell me how a new meditation every two weeks might be personally beneficial to you, and I’ll add you to the list.

Alright, I’ll see you on the otherside.

Keep Glowing.

Phill x

P.S: Remember to check your Spam/Promotions inbox and move the email to Primary incase it gets lost in transition. Also! Click Accept Marketing on the initial sign up, otherwise I won’t be able to email you.

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Phill Webster Phill Webster

summer 2023

The Healing Weekend Festival, Saturday 15th July, 2023.

Thanks to everyone who came along to the events that I talked at this summer, a few highlights for me were The Kent Wellness Festival, The Big Purple Psychic And Holistic Fair Chessington, and The Healing Weekend Festival (pictured above) in Somerset! The audience members grew as the events went on, and I got to meet so many wonderful people and hear some amazing stories along the way. I truly valued all the feedback since this has been a new learning curve for me, and so far so good! We talked, meditated, we connected. I’ll probably book a few more appearances before the year (dare I say summer?) is out, so please do keep an eye on my socials and this blog for any updates.

Along with talking at spiritual festivals, the interview circuit continues, and I think I clocked up something like 30 radio and podcast appearances through June and July. I plan to feature a media page on this site soon with links to all of them. Once again, I’ve had the privilege to talk on platforms where so many of my peers and teachers have gone before. Coast To Coast Am was a big one, talking with the legendary George Noory of Beyond Belief fame. Chatting with Brian Smith on his Grief 2 Growth Podcast was also a great privilege, go check out his site and all the amazing things he’s doing with helping people work through mental health struggles. I had a great conversation with Christi Clemons on Radiate Wellness, she’s also striving to help people through workshops, classes, and one to one sessions. Next week I’m on Sense Of Soul, one of the top 1% listened to podcasts worldwide. Sense Of Soul’s Shanna recently spoke with Conversations With God author Neale Donald Walsch in a fascinating conversation about his life and the messages in the CWG series of books. I’m very much looking forward to talking with her soon.

So what else is on the horizon? I’m planning on setting up an online circle very shortly. It’ll be a way to connect with likeminded people, and it’ll be a way for us to hold each other accountable to take the time once every two weeks and connect with our higher selves. We’ll open each session with a meditation, to set our intention and align ourselves and the group. We’ll concentrate on clearing the main Chakra points, learn how to connect with Spirit Guides, practice different divination and spiritual development techniques, have a round table discussion touching on subjects from the Letting Glow books and beyond, and we’ll increase our mediumistic abilities while developing as modern mystics. There’ll be guest speakers from time to time, and most importantly, it’ll be a safe space for developing intuitives and we’ll help each other learn.

I’m also putting the final touches to Letting Glow The Course, a downloadable e-book that will bridge the gap between Books One and Two, ahead of Glowing Deeper’s release early next year. Sign up to the mailing list to hear about all of these things first, and receive priority access at a discounted price.

Alright, I hope your summer is as active or relaxing as you’ve needed it to be, and it’s not over yet. Make the most of the long evenings and the warm days. Get out in nature, go camping, swim in the sea, spend as many hours outdoors as you can, and remember to meditate.

Speak soon,


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